We would love for you to visit us at our Hillside Campus or our Huffman Campus. We care about you, not what you are wearing. We are a church full of imperfect people who are coming to know Jesus and serving others together. Regardless of your story, we believe you belong!
When you visit, here’s what you can expect…
- Welcoming people. We LOVE it when someone comes for the first time. But, we do not always recognize the first-time visitors because we have multiple services and locations, so feel free to say, “This is my first time” and we will guide you in!
- A casual atmosphere. We care about YOU, not what you are wearing, so feel free to come in jeans or whatever is comfortable. Grab a hot cup of free coffee and sit wherever you would like! We will NOT single you out publicly or ask you to say anything, and we do NOT expect guests to contribute anything financially.
- A fun, safe environment for children. (K – 5th Grade) When you bring your children, you will check them in and out each Sunday. Ages K – 5th grade are downstairs in our children’s hall; nursery check-in is to the left of the main entrance.. Babies and toddlers are cared for by loving volunteers in the Infant Nursery with a great age appropriate play area. There are 3 years old – PreK rooms upstairs in our tree fort play area. All our children’s ministry volunteers must pass background checks and have a heart for children and families.
- Practical teaching that connects the words of the Bible to everyday life and music that is lively, including drums and guitars. Do not be surprised when some people raise their hands as a sign of praise while singing, and don’t feel obligated to do so yourself. We create an atmosphere of freedom in our services.
Everybody belongs – every color, every shape, every personality, and people with every kind of story imaginable. We trust the Bible completely even when we do not fully understand it. And we do everything for the name of Jesus Christ!
If you have any specific questions, email us at, and we hope to meet you this Sunday!
9:30AM & 11:00AM
9:30AM & 11:00AM
Gathering to worship each week prior to a time of learning biblical truths, our worship team leads the church into God’s presence through music.
If you have a love for worship, music, or creativity, we are seeking volunteers to assist as musicians, vocalists, slide design and lighting/sound technicians. If you would like to talk with someone about joining our team, please contact our Minister of Worship, Josh Gatlin, at
To listen to most of the songs we sing and some we plan to introduce in the future, listen to our playlist on YouTube or find RabbitCreekChurchWorship on Spotify.