I am glad that you are taking a few moments to explore our church web site. I hope that you find it helpful. You are important to us.
If you are searching for a group of believers to share life with, I encourage you to explore this site and visit a Sunday worship service at one of our campuses.
Our church exists to glorify God through reaching out in love to all people and teaching believers how to fulfill their life purpose of following in the way of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God. If this pursuit is of interest to you, Rabbit Creek Church just might be the place for you. I encourage you to find this out through prayer and participation.
If you are looking to take the next step, join me for the Rabbit Creek Church Membership Class.
Hope to see you soon.
Dr. Mark T. Goodman, Senior Pastor
“At Rabbit Creek Church we are actively involved in fulfilling the Great Commission in the Anchorage area, throughout the state of Alaska, the nation and all around the world (Acts 1:8).”
We are called not only to share the good news with all, but to serve others in such a way that they discover the Creator and His plans for them. God is especially concerned about justice for the least of His people. To these, Jesus leads us to love them through tangible means such as companionship, food, clothing and physical aid.
We believe that God has prepared and called each of us to serve. Every believer has received one or more spiritual gifts along with various other talents and abilities. The Bible gives us instruction that we are to faithfully use these gifts to serve others. A person’s age or status doesn’t matter, only their desire to be obedient and to serve God.
To learn more about how you can be involved, see our current list of opportunities below, or contact Pastor Henry Couser for more information:
If God has called you to Rabbit Creek Church, then you are called to be a part of a life group. We believe that people are different, so we have different kinds of life groups.